Small change

Even though I tell myself that change is exciting, necessary for the world to keep rotating, actually I hate it.


Nostalgia for food from Britain, and endearments from my tiny bubba.

Sick puppy

Katie is a mortician, ‘An embalmer, really,’ the first I’ve met. We talked about my favourite president, Barack Embalmer.

Great tits

The Tour de France has started and finished since I last ate lunch in a restaurant.

A mystery

Richard said, “I don’t want to judge your friends…” he took a second, “…or you.” Why would anyone do either? I rolled my eyes and braced myself.

Filthy French phrases

My friends entertain themselves by teaching me filthy phrases. One evening Hugo had whispered in my ear, ‘la pipe de pingouin’…


He was concerned for my welfare, but he said my scarf was too thin, as was my jacket, my cardigan, everything except me, that is.

Fowl play

The French get the same look in their eyes when they talk about foie gras as when they talk about sex.