Small change

Even though I tell myself that change is exciting, necessary for the world to keep rotating, actually I hate it.

Legend of the Bear Den

He ran both his hands down the length of his fatless, French torso and said, “it is very good for digestion.”

Fool or foulard ?

The man in the ticket office looked up, and said, “Votre accent est…” he searched for the right word, “…délicieux!”

Chez Gladines

Gordon composes a table of the most fun peoples in the world, and I imagine a death mask made from crème caramel.

Turning Japanese

This moment, starwatching, in this wildly romantic city, was wildly romantic.

Les Deux Magots

Everyone in the café stopped, except for one woman, two tables away.


“Honey-prick,” he calls from across the street, “come and have a glass of cunt juice.” He means a glass of rosé. This is how he speaks.

Israel, again

Tel Aviv, raw garlic, ghostly bats, thunderstorms, and sex with Michelangelo’s David.