Small change

Even though I tell myself that change is exciting, necessary for the world to keep rotating, actually I hate it.

The pie king and the sausage boss

I hesitate to call them my English madeleines, but the pies evoked past lunches from another time in my life, going back to my childhood.


Mowgli said that in France Dubonnet is considered a girls’ drink. At the time he was sipping a Bailey’s through a straw

New Year, old me

People kept pressing nice things into my hand: drinks, joints, a meaty arse…

Brexit night in Paris

“You’re not Parisian, not French, not European,” he said, “you’re nothing,” and then laughed.

All about Christmas Eve

She has a title, a Marchioness, maybe, which takes a second to sink in, the revolution was over two hundred years ago, after all, and she used to play bridge with Omar Sharif.

Chez Gladines

Gordon composes a table of the most fun peoples in the world, and I imagine a death mask made from crème caramel.

My mate

The French don’t like Marmite. What is wrong with them?